Entities that Impact Life
Las Vegas is still the Entertainment Capital of the World & my home.
Celebrating a Snippet into the Timeless World of the Entertainers, Actors & Poker Hands that Made Las Vegas History.
Paper Collage with Playing Cards bring the Images to Life.
Interpreting the Power of the Waves while Painting on at the Beach.
Have You Hugged a Tree Lately?
Take a moment and experience the transfer of Energy between you and a Tree.
Look and See.
Everyday Living Organisms that we Pass without Notice.
Change the Rhythm of Your Life and Dance.
Dancing remains as one of the most expressive forms of communication and art that we know. Dance has accompanied Ancient Rituals, Spiritual Gatherings and Social Events. Dance is used for Celebration, Entertainment, Seduction and to Induce Mood of Frenzied Exhilaration.
These Things Just Come into My Head!
Surrealistic juxtapositions, such as a printed Image of a Human Being's Body merged with an Animal's Body.
Compilation of Tobacco Images, Labels & Materials.
An Insight into the Process & Timeless Intrigue of the Cigar.
Have You Ever Preserved Flowers or Leaves to Remind You of a Fond Memory?
Definition of Organic Nature - Relating to or derived from Living Matter. This Collection is an Organic Experience.
Lotus Flowers Bloom in Murky Waters.
The Lotus is the Flower that Blooms and Seeds Simultaneously. The Louts Represents the Buddhist Concept of Cause and Effect.
Colorful Acrylic Painted Images on Unbleached and Bleached Canvas.
Travel to Distant Places and Absorb the Culture, Sights and People.
Getting to the Heart of the Matter. Remaining Open to New Possibilities.
Grounded Imagery.